Factors That Determine the Importance of News

News is information about current events, opinions and issues. News can be reported on in newspapers, magazines, television and online. News is important because it helps people keep informed and make good decisions. It is also a source of entertainment for many people.

A well written News article starts with the key points of the story. It should answer the questions who, what, when, where and why. It should also include details that help readers understand the importance of the topic. For example, a news article about a natural calamity may mention the number of deaths, how big the affected area is and how it is being treated. The article might then explain the history of the calamity or how it was caused.

The timeliness of a news story is another important factor. This is because people want to know what is happening right now. This is why most large media sources focus on current events.

Other factors that determine the importance of a news story include how unusual, interesting, significant or relevant it is. For example, a coup d’etat in the country next door is likely to be much bigger news than a coup in a distant land where no one will be at risk of losing their lives or property. In addition, a news story that affects the people of a particular region or ethnicity is more likely to be important than one that involves the whole world.