Healthy Relationships

Relationships are a huge part of life and help make up our social support network that is essential to our physical and mental health. They can be intimate and loving, or they can be difficult and challenging. Regardless, relationships have the potential to make or break our quality of life.

There are many different types of relationships, and each one serves a unique purpose. Some are short-term, such as a summer fling; others may be long-term, like a marriage or college roommate. There are also familial relationships, romantic relationships, business partnerships and other types of relationships that are based on mutually agreed upon values or intentions such as exclusivity and trust.

Healthy relationships are a balance of giving and receiving. They are a source of strength and security, and they should be nurtured like any other aspect of your well-being. It is important to be mindful of how much energy and love you are giving and receiving in a relationship, and to evaluate the balance regularly.

When you have found “the one,” it’s often an intuitive feeling. The connection with this person feels different than the other relationships in your life, and there is usually mutual respect and encouragement that pushes both of you to be better people. When life’s challenges arise, you face them together as a team, instead of alone.

Keeping your relationships healthy takes work, but the rewards are endless. Embracing positive relationships adds meaning to your life, and you will feel more confident taking risks and pursuing dreams because you know that your partner has your back no matter what.