Traveling and Hotels

About Traveling and Hotels

Whether you’re looking for comfort, convenience, or peace of mind, traveling and staying in a hotel can offer a host of advantages that you can’t get from staying with family, friends, or renting a private space on Airbnb. This is especially true for those travelers with a need for accessibility and safety. For instance, choosing a remote AirBnB in the middle of the countryside may seem like a good idea at first until you realize that Uber won’t go there and you have no way to get groceries.

Once a destination and dates are chosen, the typical traveler starts researching lodging options online. They’ll go to TripAdvisor and other review sites and sift through mountains of stars, thumbs up, or down, until they narrow their choices and start hunting for deals. They’ll consult bargain sites and price liquidators, or even directly contact the hotel to ask about discounts or add-ons. And they’ll probably book a few different hotels before settling on one.

In addition to being a major source of information and inspiration, the internet has changed the way that travel is planned and booked. Guidebooks are no longer as popular, and a few clicks can bring up an infinite list of options that fit the parameters of any desired trip. This flexibility has brought a lot of change to the industry, including some casualties, like the once-mighty travel agency business. But the pace of change continues to accelerate and savvy travelers and property managers are constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways to plan and book their travel experiences.