What Is Law?


Law is a set of rules that governs our lives and protects our rights. These laws are made by the government and are enforced by the courts.

General Terms:

The concept of law is an essential part of human life and has been shaped by philosophers, writers and theologians throughout history. Some argue that law is an unchangeable moral code. Others believe that it is the product of nature and the will of a sovereign.

Legal Rights:

Right are the foundation of any society and are fundamental in our understanding of human freedom and justice. They can be both individual and collective.

A legal right is a legally valid claim to something that you should have. It may be a right to property, or a right to a particular action.

Examples of common legal rights are the right to privacy, the right to freedom from discrimination and the right to due process of law.

Laws can be made by a government or by a group of people called “the legislature”. These laws are often backed by the threat of punishment.

Legal Procedure:

Civil law and criminal law are two main areas of law, each governed by a different court system. They both concern a citizen’s rights to a fair trial and appeals.


The law of evidence consists of how to prove facts in court. It involves testimonies, documents and objects presented in a trial to support a claim.