What is Religion?
Religion is a belief system with its own culture, values and traditions. It is also a set of teachings about God, the universe and human life that guide people in their daily lives. About 6.5 billion people in the world participate in some form of religion, with many of them following multiple beliefs.
The most common definitions of religion include a belief in a supernatural power, moral guidance and a community of believers who worship together. Some believe that the most important aspect of a religion is its claim to have the truth about important matters like the meaning of life and what happens after death.
Some scientists who study religion, such as anthropologists and psychologists, suggest that it evolved in response to a biological or cultural need. They argue that humans became self-aware, realized they would eventually die and sought ways to make life meaningful and purposeful. They also suggest that some parts of the brain are wired for religious experiences.
Many religions teach followers how to treat other people with compassion and respect, creating a positive social impact in society. Almost all of them emphasize doing good deeds for family, friends and neighbors. Many religions also have figures of authority who help to guide and control their members, creating a sense of stability and order in society.
There are a number of ways to learn about Religion, including online courses offered by colleges and universities or on websites like Coursera. Attending a public lecture is another great option to learn about different religions and how they affect society. Many communities will sponsor lectures from a variety of different religions, so check local church and community calendars to see if there is one coming up.